RFID Solutions Vehicle Receipt System

RFID Solution
Track in out of your employee vehicle using RFID Solution

Using RFID Solutions Vehicle Receipt System, you are able to automatically identify a vehicle as it approaches the office, toll gate or parking facility, allowing the parking system to authorize entry and open the gate, without the driver ever having to stop or open their window.
This not only improves traffic flow in peek periods, but also provides the customer with a safe & convenient way to quickly pay for toll or enter the parking lot.

Key Benifits


  • Quick identification of vacant lots
  • Automatically records entry/exit data
  • Provides complete vehicle history
  • Automated collection of parking tolls


  • Increases patron convenience and safety with nonstop payment
  • Improves traffic flow/reduces commute times
  • Provides proven reliability and unparalleled accuracy


  • Smart management of vehicles in automobile manufacturing plant
  • Automation of car distribution process to various dealers and locations
  • Enables low cost and hassle-free RFID deployment